Back to school...
NOT for studies,NOT for activities,NOT for meeting teachers...
Just for a visit of school and juniors as well..
I slept late yesterday night and I have to wake at 6am today..I only slept for 3hours..and now my eyes are closing..
Back to schools as an ex-student seems to be different..People might recognised you and people might not...but the motive is just to have a look at the place which i was very familiar last time ..
I found that everyone has grown up as seniors and i didn't noticed that we were old already...We were not that mad like last time, we were more matured than last time...and we were more understanding than last time..we wont simply reacts before we think...i realised there were a lot of changes...
Time has shown me a person's growth..look at what all the juniors are doing just like what i did last time...There are lots of flash back in my mind...
Finally ended up with laughter and smiles..We know the meaning of smiles on face..=)
We have grown up as a matured person,with own thinking way..
We hope the best always stay along with you all..
We will always pray for you all..
Stay strong and take care.
P/s:I want all the photos taken.